Asshole Astrology

Horoscopes for horrible people

James Garside
The Partnered Pen


Image by Alexas Fotos from Pixabay

Here is next week’s horoscope for your sign.

It doesn’t matter when you read it, or which sign you are, as horoscopes are all made up.

Everybody knows that astrologers are basically assholes with too much time on their hands and most horoscope writers are failed writers and barely functioning alcoholics.

I mean that in a good way.

As for you being a horrible person — don’t worry, I’m sure that you’re lovely.

Image by Alexas Fotos from Pixabay

Aquarius: You’re being chased by a swarm of angry bees. Luckily they’re far away so if you keep going they won’t be able to catch up with you. Still, remember to be kind to bees — it’s not their fault that they’re angry. We’ve totally screwed them over. Don’t be a dick about it.

Image by Alexas Fotos from Pixabay

Pisces: Some days you’re the mouse. Other days you’re the cheese. This week you’re mostly a mouse made out of cheese being chased by a great big cat who’s lactose intolerant. Who or what is the cat…



James Garside
The Partnered Pen

Freelance journalist, author, and travel writer. I help writers and artists to do their best work. Let's be part of each other's stories.