Broken Pieces

A poem

Sarah E.
The Partnered Pen


Photo by Viktor Forgacs on Unsplash

Warning: This poem is written about an assault I experienced 8 years ago. Today is the anniversary of that day, though the word anniversary doesn’t quite sound right. There is material in this poem not suitable for children. If you do choose to read it, I hope you do so with an open mind. This piece means a lot to me.

Push me, pull me
Take away my dignity
Strip away my shield
With your grip you make me yield

Trickster, liar
Eyes that linger in my mind
Like a snake they respect not
I try and try, I fought and fought

Crying, trying
While you strip away my soul
Layer by layer until I’m bare
Wish you had a soul that cared

Body, pushing
Trying to take me how you like
There is nothing I can do
While you hold me down I chew

Help me, help me
No one here to take him off
Need a friend to rescue me
Someone who will set me free



Sarah E.
The Partnered Pen

Creation is the ultimate & most beautiful form of expression. I enjoy writing poems and rhymes about my daily day-to-day. I hope you enjoy! ☀️