Capturing the Story of the Jungle in Photography

The jungle is vast, chaotic, and bathed in mostly low light levels. All of these factors make getting photos a difficult task.

G. M. Michele
The Partnered Pen


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My whole life I’ve dreamt of spending time in the Amazon. I used to create elaborate stories of the adventures I’d have in the jungle. I thought I’d become a botanist or some kind of ethnographic explorer that worked with endangered plants or indigenous tribes.

Of course, none of that came true. But my love for the lush, thick jungle never left me. Now, I’m a writer and photographer, which are two passions that I love deeply.

Last year, I spent time near the Sierra Nevada mountains in Colombia. Let me just say, the jungle I found there is one of my dreams. And my task now is to figure out how to tell the story of this jungle in photographs.

This is not easy because the jungle is vast, chaotic, and bathed in mostly low light levels. All of these factors make getting photos a difficult task.

Sure, I could just take random shots of lookouts or the billions of trees and greenery, but that wouldn’t tell the story. It would just be a chaotic mess of green with very little understanding of what to look at or where to look.



G. M. Michele
The Partnered Pen

Writer, traveler, and photographer. Canadian living in Colombia. Moved by magic, daily life, and the beautiful and heartbreaking balance of dark versus light.