Clapping Once and 4 Other Dumb Things People Do on Writing Sites

I hate writing about Medium unless I can help. Hope this does.

Linda Caroll
The Partnered Pen


Photo by Rowen Smith on Unsplash

I love writing about writing. I hate writing about Medium, so I do it rarely and only if I think I can be helpful. I hope this is.

I stumbled across a great post this morning.

It was a great post.
It had one clap.

I swear, I get more cranky when that happens to other writers than when it happens to me. That’s how writers be. When it’s me, I just wonder if it sucked. When it’s another writer, especially a feminist writer, I’m like Wtf.

One clap?

Which then made me think of all the dumb things people do on writing sites because Medium isn’t my first rodeo. If you’re doing these things, for the love of all that’s kind and decent in the world — stop.

1) Clapping once…

If you’re just a reader, you’re almost excused. Almost. If you’re a writer who writes and knows what it’s like to hope for exposure and then you clap once for other people, what the…?

Once upon a time, writers here got paid based on claps. Not anymore. Now writes get paid based on reads. When that…

