COVID Cases Are Rising In Michigan, But Governor Whitmer Isn’t Planning On More Restrictions Now

It doesn’t mean there won’t be if cases keep rising

Alfie Jane
The Partnered Pen


Photo by author. Bathroom sign in Traverse City, Michigan

Finally, the vaccine is rolling out and available to almost everyone in the State. Healthy patients sixteen and older need to wait another two weeks before they can take the vaccine. But most other people can set up an appointment and take their shots.

Yet when you turn on the news or go online, experts are pleading with people to keep their masks on. Some stores are so rigid on the mask rules that people won’t let you in the store without them. If anything, the restrictions are more strict than they were in the middle of December.

To make things weirder, Michigan’s been seeing rising cases since February. Health officials and experts are getting worried about the rise in COVID cases. And now the B.1.1.7. variant is floating North. It recently got identified in both Roscommon and Gladwin counties. All of these problems are making a lot of people go on edge.

With rising cases, I keep watching the news to see if there will be new restrictions. Are bars and restaurants going to close again? Will we have to go back to streaming movies online? Are we going to need to build a makeshift gym at home? I keep waiting to hear things…

