Dear Medium, Why Can We Mute Writers Whose Names Are Hidden?

The new homepage UX is horrible

Linda Caroll
The Partnered Pen


I don’t like the new homepage. Coming here feels like buying a grab bag at the carnival, now. Maybe there’s something good... feeling lucky?

If there’s anything the internet has taught us, it’s that titles are no indication of quality. Now they’re all we have.

Once upon a time, you said writers earn more if they have “loyal readers.” Remember? You said if we had “loyal” readers, we’d be rewarded.

You took that away without a blink or a hiccup.

And didn’t bother to warn us.

Not that you have to. Your playhouse, your rules. You sang the praises of frictionless reading, new design options and short form content. You did not even mention that writer’s names will be removed from the homepage.

Kind of feels like a glaring oversight, no?

So how, exactly, are writers supposed to have loyal readers? You want I should go out on the internet at large and send people to my profile? So they can be counted as external reads that I don’t get paid for?

Hardly seems fair.

But that’s not even the biggest oversight.

Why can we mute or block writers…

