Emergency Alert: Ancient Form of Hazardous Subhuman Emerges From Muck and Is Now at Large
Trump concubine, Sarah Wannabe Sanders is a danger to women, everywhere
Author’s note: The following piece originally appeared in my Substack, Sherry Raw.
As a woman who has never experienced her water breaking except after having dropped a glass, or had to endure an episiotomy because a head the size of a large cantaloupe shredded her vagina, I say to those of you who have:
I salute you.
That said, I also salute you women who are gleeful, child-free, cat ladies like me. To each, her own. I love my sister’s kids as if they were mine and that’s enough for me, thank you very much.
And, I salute those of you who’ve successfully created a “blended” family where all concerned feel loved and cared for. Not an easy task.
As the news continues to escalate from bad to worse to whatever trumps worse, pun intended, a new disgrace walking comes to our attention — massive Trump suckup and 47th governor of Arkansas, Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
“We thought you were out of the picture and moldering in Arkansas’s hill country, Sarah, but sadly, no.”