Entertain Me

Free Verse poem about racism.

Brian Kurian
The Partnered Pen


Image by Leroy Skalstad from Pixabay

You’re only worth my time
when you sing
when you dance
when you hit each other
I’ll pay top dollar
to watch you suffer
you people are all the same
I only deal with you
when you serve my purpose
to be entertained
I don’t associate you
with being articulate
or intelligent
you couldn’t possibly
be a writer
or a doctor
a savvy entrepreneur
I doubt you’re a good parent
your kids are probably delinquents
the media tells me you’re a crook
that you can barely read a single book
you always die first in the horror movies
and that I shouldn’t associate black with beauty
I know who you are
I know your worth
society tells me so
I know what I know
it’s been this way since the slavery days
I’m proud to say, I’m still stuck in my ways
sorry, black man
but try to understand
your fight to live a good life
will always be filled with strife
this uphill battle is one only you will know
you’ll always be seen as America’s #1 foe.

