Eye of the Tiger: You Trade Your Passion For Glory

The hidden spiritual meaning of the world’s greatest workout song

Joseph Serwach
The Partnered Pen


Image by Claudio_Scott from Pixabay.

A classic workout song includes a mysterious message, “So many times it happens too fast: you trade your passion for glory.”

The latest news shows warning signs all around:

  • The latest research shows that 63 percent of Americans say their stress levels are peaking.
  • A similar poll found that 28 percent of Americans say they’ve left a job in the last two years because of its impact on their mental health. Nearly 40 percent say they considered quitting for the same reason.

But what exactly does it mean to trade your passion for glory?

For 40 years, we’ve loved that song, thinking of passion as intense emotion while forgetting the other meaning of passion:

  • The original Latin word for passion, patior, means “to suffer, bear, endure,” aka the passion of Christ.
  • And glory? The original meaning is to glorify and take great pride in yourself.

The multiple meanings of trading your passion for glory

Eye of the Tiger, of course, was written for Rocky III, part of a fantastic film franchise full of…



Joseph Serwach
The Partnered Pen

Story + Identity = Mission. Leadership Culture, Journalism, Branding Education. Inspiration: Catholic, Polish. https://serwachjoe.medium.com/membership