First World Problems are Still Problems

On being patient with yourself when you complain about life’s struggles

Jessica Archuleta
The Partnered Pen


You ever complain about something and get a response like this,

“That’s a first-world problem. You should be grateful for what you have!”

How about, “You chose this life.” Or anything along the vein of telling you to get over it, suck it up, deal with the consequences of your life choices?

I’ve learned not to waste my breath complaining about life’s struggles to certain people. I’m not one to be a big complainer anyway, but there have been times in my life when life was just damn hard on many fronts. Like when my husband lost his job (this was years ago, we’re good now). Or when I started college classes to bring in grant money we needed for extra expenses. Plus, with a large family life is often hectic and there is never enough money for the next thing that is going to break: right now our second car is broken, and so is the washing machine — again!

Yesterday afternoon, my laptop’s screen went black on me. Yes. The black screen of death. Besides needing my laptop for my writing and editing work, I also use it to pay bills and do my online college classes. So I was a bit panicked about it being broken.



Jessica Archuleta
The Partnered Pen

"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." --Maya Angelou