Have You Bought A Knitting Pattern From Ukraine Today?

Helen Cassidy Page
The Partnered Pen
Published in
6 min readMar 6, 2022


You don’t knit? That’s not the point.

Photo by the author

Many people are reserving bombed out Airbnb’s in Ukraine, not because they have a yen for vacationing amidst rubble with a side of air raid sirens. Scheduling a Ukrainian Airbnb you never intend to use is a way of putting cash into the pockets of the owners of the property, even if the Russians have destroyed the once-lovely accommodation.

Thankfully, the world has mobilized to respond to the crisis in Ukraine, but some of us in the West look to do more than post sunflowers on social media and donate to aid organizations, important as those symbolic and real efforts are.

We recognize that we owe a debt to Ukraine we can never repay in kind.

The people of Ukraine are sacrificial lambs held hostage by a ruthless tyrant who holds the threat of nuclear annihilation over us. Western powers cannot give him the smack down he deserves because of the type of ruthless and dangerous action he displayed this week. We are still reeling from his ploy of playing loosey-goosey with a nuclear power plant. That he would even risk firing on its administration building shows the risk involved in a no-fly-zone or boots on the ground response.



Helen Cassidy Page
The Partnered Pen

Writer, editor, researcher, aging expert, life coach, sand tray coach. Read one of my 55 titles on Amazon: https://www.HelenCassidyPageBooks.com