How Do You Use Monday?

Seeking Direction When When There Aren’t words

Laura McDonell
The Partnered Pen


The most important things are the hardest to say, because words diminish them. (Stephen King)

There Aren’t Words

Sometimes life is tough and the words are not strong enough to articulate the good and bad, Life has a way of stopping us in our tracks and requires that we change direction- a direction that seems so opposite to where we thought we were headed.

This Is The Way

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it”.

There are 7 Mondays left in 2020. How you choose to use them is what matters.



Laura McDonell
The Partnered Pen

I am a wife, mother, educator, writer, reader and marathon runner. I blog at Follow me on Twitter at @lmcdonell14