How Lock-Down May Lead to One of Humanity’s Greatest Turning Points

Have we just inadvertently learned how to save the planet?

Jason Deane
The Roundabout
Published in
9 min readApr 20, 2020


Permanent clear blue skies ahead? Image: author

I’ve always been a glass-half-full kind of guy.

I like to find the positive in any situation and develop it to create the best possible outcome. There’s something enormously satisfying about taking a situation that knocks you off your feet and turning it into something you’d never have thought of had it not happened in the the first place.

Sometimes you get lucky and actually end up with an outcome that was better than the problem you started with, leading you down a path that was hitherto hidden or considered impossible. Those paths are rare and wonderful, taking you to places or ideas you could barely have imagined, but now seem obvious with the context of where you now stand.

And I believe we, as a species, may just have been given an unprecedented chance to stake stock, learn and come out better, wiser and happier. Of course, the pessimists would say that this is just my ‘glass half full’ way of thinking clouding my judgement and leading to unnecessarily positive conclusions. Perhaps they’re right. But would it be too much, even just for a moment, to consider that perhaps they’re not?



Jason Deane
The Roundabout

I blog on things I am passionate about: Bitcoin, writing, money, life’s crazy turns and being a dad. Lover of learning, family and cheese. (