How Much Money Can You Make Without a College Education?

Certainly a lot more than minimum wage

Karen Banes
The Partnered Pen


Photo from

We often tend to think that a lack of college education will consign us to working low-paid service jobs for the rest of our lives, but that really doesn’t have to be the case. There are plenty of well-paid jobs that are well compensated because they require skills rather than formal education, and a lot of those skills can be learned, in various ways, outside of a college classroom.

So How Much Can You Earn Without a College Degree?

The short answer is billions of dollars. Billionaires like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Mark Zuckerberg all dropped out of college before getting their degrees. British billionaire Richard Branson never even started. It’s certainly possible to get rich with an amazing idea, the right investment backing and relatively little formal education. But basing important life decisions on extreme outliers is never a good idea.

Average earning statistics tell a different story. Those without a college education definitely tend to earn less. APLU estimates young earners between 22 and 27 earn almost 50% more if they hold a Bachelor’s degree.

However, not everyone with less education earns less. In fact it’s also been estimated that…



Karen Banes
The Partnered Pen

Freelance writer sharing thoughts on life, society, creativity, and productivity.