How to Be a Successful Background Performer in the Film Industry

Or, as the crew calls us, a prop that eats.

Leslie Wibberley
The Partnered Pen
Published in
6 min readAug 2, 2019


When a shoulder and wrist injury, followed by two failed surgeries, forced to me give up my thirty-seven-year long career as a physiotherapist, I began writing full time.

But, as many of you are probably aware, writing is a somewhat less than lucrative career. Especially at the beginning. I had to put in my time honing my craft and sending my work out to small publications for little or no pay. I remained hopeful that eventually higher paying ones would accept it, and one day, I’d land an agent and a book deal.

Until that happened, though, I needed to find a way make some money. As a self-employed professional, I had no pension to fall back on. I desperately wanted to bring at least a little money into the family coffers.

I live in Greater Vancouver, affectionately known as Hollywood North. Every day there are countless productions being filmed here, most of which require a significant number of background performers.

Photo by Martin Jernberg on Unsplash

A writing compatriot of mine had mentioned that she worked as a background…



Leslie Wibberley
The Partnered Pen

Physiotherapist/Proud mama/happy wife Storyteller, finding magic in the everyday world. Repped by the extraordinary Naomi Davis of Bookends Literary