How to do Household Chores safely and effectively, Banishing Germs, Bacteria and Dirt

EP McKnight, MEd
The Partnered Pen
Published in
4 min readJul 10, 2019


So you think you have the natural housecleaning talent and know it all. Well guess again, many things go unnoticed because we assumed much is automatic and harmless. Quite the contrary, nothing is automatic when it comes to what happenings in cleaning a home and it’s components.

Some homemakers are clueless too the amount of germ, bacteria and dirt buildup over a period of time. Also that build up demands strategic cleaning, otherwise, the situation is exacerbated.

If you are a germaphobes, this article is for you or if you are a new homemaker, then work smarter not harder and if you are a seasoned homemaker, then do it better and spend less time doing it.

Below are simple steps to take in making your home, germ. bacteria and dirt free. When you know better you do better. The best part about the below steps they are sensible and easily executed.

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EP McKnight, MEd
The Partnered Pen

Actress, Stage playwright, Author, Motivational Speaker, Teacher Fitness Coach. www.epmcknight.wixsite.epfitspiration Follow me: Tiktok,