How to Keep Your Relationship Strong, Even When You Disagree

The one thing you must learn to do well

Jennifer Haubrich
The Partnered Pen


Previous to this global crisis, you may have felt confident that you had a strong, healthy relationship. Once or twice you may have even posted about how you felt #blessed (even if you don’t use hashtags).

Now you may not feel this way. Or you may be having doubts.

A pandemic might be the ultimate test for couples.

Will your relationship survive?

First, we were quarantined at home and couldn’t go anywhere. Now, things are opening up in some places and closing down in others and every decision to go out, get a meal, or see friends is a calculated risk at best.

Even the experts don’t agree on what the right things to do are in their personal lives.

Everyday habits have been replaced with questions. Every question demands a decision and every decision demands agreement between the two of you. Should we go out to eat? Is it safe to go with just one other couple? Should we just get takeout?

With the end of summer vacation coming ever closer, those with kids even have to consider a question they may have never thought they would: Should we send the kids back to school? What if there is only room for desks…



Jennifer Haubrich
The Partnered Pen

Finding the funny in relationships, parenting, life, and personifying inanimate objects. Contact: