How to Know If You’re a Real Writer?

Define your writing vision and get to work. Or move on.

Karen karen
The Partnered Pen


Those who want to be real writers, proudly wear a writer tag everywhere they go.

Not because they write, but because they like the image it reflects.

Unfortunately, the work of a real writer is far from dreamy.

And that’s why on the large scale of words, only a small percentage of writers take their craft seriously.

And still, a lot of people call themselves writers, even if they write very little.

Photo by Fabrizio Conti on Unsplash

What does success look like for a real writer?

Being a successful writer looks different according to who you’re asking.

It’s a personal thing, and each one of us has to define what type of writer we want to be, according to our most intimate vision.

For some, it means putting important (or commercial) thoughts on paper and having a fat bank account to back it up.

While for others, who work a stressful job, or just lost in a parallel universe, it could be aspiring to…



Karen karen
The Partnered Pen

Writer. Avid Traveler. Translator. Be yourself. Own your future. What’s your feeling today?