How to Make it as A Writer

Mason Sabre
The Partnered Pen
Published in
8 min readNov 9, 2020


What it takes to make it as a full-time working writer.

Photo by Laura Chouette on Unsplash

I’m not at the top of my game, and I don’t claim to be anywhere close. In fact, I’m probably so far down the list, I can’t see the peak, but doesn’t that mean I haven’t made it as a writer.

I sold my university texts books yesterday. It might seem, like nothing, but in truth, it was a monumental moment in my life because what it was saying was, I’m not going back.

I graduated from university five years ago with a degree in Neuropsychology. I then went on to do another degree in Forensic Psychology, with the plan to earn my doctorate and work with sex offenders. Unfortunately, as I started my forensic studies, my father had a seizure. He was already sick with cancer, and I was his carer.

Throughout my degree, I’d been balancing caring for my father, writing, and studying, but after his seizure and the level of care he needed, it became apparent, there was no way I could balance the three aspects of my life. Something had to give, so, I put my studies on hold and gave my father the attention he needed.

At the time, it was a heart-breaking decision. I might have been writing and calling myself a writer, but it wasn’t my full-time gig. I had books published and had readers, but writing was still a side hustle.



Mason Sabre
The Partnered Pen

Mason is an author and a teacher. He loves to write and read and will always be a life-long learner.