How To Open Comments On One Page So It’s Easier To Reply

Some people just can’t be satisfied! :)

Linda Caroll
The Partnered Pen


Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash

In the olden days at Medium, when you wanted to comment on a story, you were taken to a new page with comments.

It was a real nuisance. Because sometimes I’d forget to clap first and then I had to go back to the story to clap.

Some people probably didn’t go back and clap. Which kind of sucked. Cause I like to think of claps as a little way of saying “thanks for writing this.”

Then Medium changed how comments work.

Yay, sidebar comments. So if I was all fired up to leave a comment, I could do that. And stay on the page. No more forgetting to clap.

But you know what? The sidebar comments are kind of a pain in the butt when you’re the author and have twenty eleven comments to respond to.

Because seriously. If you’ve ever tried to respond to a whole bunch of comments, you know how that works!!

— Clap for the comment.
— Click the icon to reply.
— It opens a new window with the comment
— Reply to the comment in the sidebar.
— Close the sidebar.
— Click the back button to go back to the post.
— Click to open the comment again.
— Rinse. Repeat.

