How to Write Headlines Your Readers Love or Hate To Boost Your Views

Writing great headlines and subtitles are among the best ways to make your content shareable, get found on search engines, and grow your audience.

Natalie Frank, Ph.D.
The Partnered Pen
Published in
8 min readJul 16, 2019


Before we get started, lets do a quick pop quiz. Don’t worry, it’s just for illustration purposes. You’re not being graded. Or if you’re still hyperventilating, just think of it as a survey. (Perhaps I should have put a trigger warning at the beginning for content that might cause a flashback to high school calculus.)

Okay, here we go.

An Informal Ungraded Survey For Your Eyes Only

Rank the following titles from 1 to 5 with 1 being the title least likely to catch your attention and make you want to read the article and 5 being the most likely.

  • Great Men and Women Aren’t Born Great They Grow Great _____
  • Small Business Line of Credit — Is It Right For You? _____
  • 12 Tips for Better Writing _____
  • Emotional Headlines Get Shared More on Social Media Period _____
  • The Importance of Setting Goals and Not Reaching Them _____



Natalie Frank, Ph.D.
The Partnered Pen

I write about behavioral health & other topics. I’m Managing Editor (Serials, Novellas) for LVP Press. See my other articles: