How to Write Just About Anything

Motivation isn’t what you need when you’re overwhelmed by competition and anxiety.

Darshak Rana
The Partnered Pen


I don’t write about “writing advice.” This story is also not about that. I think writers don't need any advice. Every writer learns from his/her own experience.

What we need as writers is some acceptance or criticism to introspect our growth. However, harsh criticism prevents us from trying new topics, or excessive acceptance makes us comfortable in our skin.

And that’s toxic for the writer’s growth. I realized this fact very soon when I started my writing journey. The readers got bored more quickly than changing a four-month-old baby’s diaper. So, to quench that reader’s thirst for innovation was a bit tad hard.

My reading statistics began to nosedive in August 2020. So, writing something new and fresh seemed inevitable to retain my readers. The cut-throat competition on this platform was enough to wake me up from my “la la land” writing dreams.

“A professional writer is an amateur who didn’t quit.” ~ Richard Bach

Initially, it was challenging to write a new genre each time. But I refused to quit. I worked hard to make a tool that would help me write about any new topic without…



Darshak Rana
The Partnered Pen

Engineer turned writer with 30M+ views online✦ Published in Business Insider and Reader's Digest✦ Grab your FREE Mental Reset Kit :