I Could Publish a Story Revealing the Secrets of the Universe

And no one would ever know

Stephen Sovie
The Partnered Pen


Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

Oh, how I miss the good old days when I first joined Friends of Medium. Those first few months of increasing numbers of views, highlights reads, and comments were exhilarating. But wow, the earnings were beyond my belief. I made $250 in one month, but the average was over $100. Then, it came to an abrupt ending. The good times were over.

Month by month, I continued writing and publishing at the same pace as before. I read stories, highlighted, and commented on those stories I had read. I also followed the writers I liked. But my earnings have become less and less.

For the past couple of months, no matter what I write, the articles fall on blind eyes. Each receives only a few reads and a meager number of claps. Whether the story is about politics or an incident in my past, it goes unnoticed. I could write an article revealing the universe’s secrets or a cure for cancer, and there would be crickets.

I could have written an article describing the winning numbers of a future MegaMillions drawing, and no one would know because they didn’t care enough to read it or Medium didn’t distribute it. Had I written the story and someone read it, someone could have been a millionaire.



Stephen Sovie
The Partnered Pen

A liberal retiree who loves writing about politics, social issues, my pets and my life experiences. You can buy me coffee here, https://ko-fi.com/stephensovie