This Happened To Me
I Didn’t Back Down When the Bully Bullied Me!
Online social media fights can be entertaining and a method of testing wits.
The showdown was nasty, and egos were in danger. It was a virtual throwdown on a professional’s site(most everyone knows). I was out for digitally generated blood.
My attacker began with passive-aggressive insults and an attempt to evoke guilt, but I wasn’t breaking. And I won’t when I have good reason to justify my thinking.
For professional discretion and the possibility of a lawsuit, I won’t disclose the site, my attacker, or the time, but it happened this past weekend.
A post was generated on the site posing a question with two survey choices. The question was ‘What annoys you more?’ and the choices were as follows:
- Relentless Spam Cold Calls
- Relentless E-mail Spammers
I chose Relentless Spam Cold Calls. Then, commented on the Post:
I love getting both because I get great satisfaction in deleting the emails, flagging them, and reporting them as phishing. And, I have a fantastic feeling when I get to…