I Had To Report My Student — And It Feels Like Shit

Every day is a new day.

Ryan Fan
The Partnered Pen


It started with not letting my kid borrow my computer. He kept asking and asking for me to put in a password, and started to threaten me when I did not engage him and told him to pay attention to the book.

My special education student, who I’ll anonymously call Jack, then started to push me and pull my hand towards the computer to put in the password. I ignored him and told him to get his hands off of me while trying to teach the rest of the class. He then proceeded to try to put me in a headlock, while I wrangled out of it, careful not to put my hand on him because of my position as a teacher, and his position as a middle school kid. When I didn’t give in to his demands, he threw his books at me and all over the room, trashing my classroom.

Jack proceeded to storm out of my room and try to start a fight and disrupt the entire next classroom to get what he wanted and I caught him lifting another kid and about to punch him. I got him out of the room and back into my classroom, and he proceeded to push me in front of another teacher and her entire class.

I put my hands up, to publicly demonstrate that although Jack was putting his hands on me in an aggressive and physically confrontational manner, I wasn’t going to put my hands on him.



Ryan Fan
The Partnered Pen

Believer, Baltimore City IEP Chair, and 2:39 marathon runner. Diehard fan of “The Wire.”