I Honestly Don’t Know if I Can Read Another Story on Medium about Making Money on Medium

A story that is not really about making money on Medium but is about writing about people who write about making money on Medium

Jenny Justice
The Partnered Pen


Photo by Mirza Babic on Unsplash

I honestly don’t know if I can read or see another how to make money on Medium piece. But, here we are. Yes, we want to make money. The secret is out. Yes, some of us are making some money. That is amazing.

But can we maybe put a brief pin in the writings about writing on Medium and making money writing on Medium for just a bit? See how it goes when that does not flood everyone’s feed? Take a breather. Praise some art, lift up some struggling writers with support that is not about making money fast and fast and now and fast and long game and whatever else is being said obsessively about making money on Medium? Maybe just maybe?

When I was first told to write for Medium, I admit, the idea of money was so appealing. I had no job. I was an adjunct and it was summer. I was staring down a three month period of potential disaster.

And Medium came into my life and it was like a beam of hope, a ray of sunshine, a blessing. And no, not because of the sweet sweet $60 dollars I made that first month.



Jenny Justice
The Partnered Pen

Writer| Mom | Poet | Book Nerd | Teacher? | Brings Poetry to life with empathy, connection, joy, justice, and feeling. Poetry Fangirl