I Keep Accidentally Making New Year’s Resolutions

Gretchen Lee Bourquin
The Partnered Pen
Published in
3 min readJan 2, 2024


The longer you sit still, the harder it is to move forward.

Photo by Danil Aksenov on Unsplash

About two weeks ago I published on Medium for the first time in two years, I posted four new pieces. I hadn’t written much of anything in the last year when I stepped away from content writing. I have vowed to write more again and be a bit better organized. So far I am making real progress. It’s entirely coincidental that it is coinciding with the new year.

I think New Year’s Resolutions are cheesy, and often don’t work — especially when they are too specific. Vague resolutions work better. Last year, I wanted to read more. With various stresses, my avid reading had dissipated. It was suddenly hard to pay attention when it was once something I hyperfocused on. I missed that part of myself. I am not sure exactly how many books I read in 2023, but it was at least one a month, usually two.

When I went back to working a traditional job a little over a year ago, I had only done so for very short stints for over a decade. I made money primarily as a content writer, and it had become harder to focus. The main site I wrote for was taken over by new ownership, and I hear it is a far cry from what it was. I may go back to doing some content writing, but the main goal is to reclaim my own voice, not to be the mouthpiece…

