I Took A Few Months Off from Medium

Three lessons I learned as a writer. (Hint: My world did not fall apart.)

Jane Trombley
The Partnered Pen


Truth be told, it has been more than a “few” months. My pen has been silenced; productivity stifled—pretty much AWOL as a writer for the past two quarters of 2020. And here we are in December, year’s end.

I want to blame COVID for the dip in productivity. It’s a handy scapegoat; its culpability is not undeserved. I want to believe my ennui, my inability to focus and actually finish something, was about more than my well-established habit of procrastination. I want to believe my full stop was linked to something more existential, occurring worldwide. We’ve all had plenty to fret about in the last year.

We have just so much bandwidth to deal with century-defining crises.

Hopefully, as the world heads toward some acceptable version of equilibrium in 20201, it's time to assess. In the break from writing on Medium, I actually grew as a writer. Because here’s the thing: One might stop writing, but a writer never really stops THINKING about writing, whether it’s the frustration with their own work, admiration of others’, the next writing mountain to climb.



Jane Trombley
The Partnered Pen

A pan-curious essayist working out what to do with "my one wild and precious life." Nicheless by design. janetrombley@gmail.com"