I Tried to Fix My Car And Made Zero Progress. Now I Realize Why You Pay Mechanics.

Paying the professionals is an underrated virtue

Ryan Fan
The Partnered Pen


Photo by Arseny Togulev on Unsplash

On Sunday, my day was pretty awful. I spent the day committed to fixing my car. As much as I’d love to take the bus or walk to work tomorrow, I enjoy a 10-minute commute instead of an hour-long walk to my workplace.

The car troubles started when I was at my girlfriend’s place and tried to go home. My car would not start. I found this strange since I just got a battery a year and a half ago and wouldn’t have expected it to die so early.

Nevertheless, there was no possibility of my car getting jumped. It was flanked by two cars, probably residents in her apartment complex. And it was flanked by those same two cars all weekend, and my jumper cables did not extend two car lengths long to get my car jumped.

I had to persist. I had no other choice. I had a friend who was in Baltimore for a grand proposal of sorts, and we arranged to run and meet up while he was still in the city. My friend apparently had a battery pack jump starter and he offered to meet me where I was, so we could go on a run later. I was ecstatic and waited for him to get there, and I was excited to see my friend anyway.



Ryan Fan
The Partnered Pen

Believer, Baltimore City IEP Chair, and 2:39 marathon runner. Diehard fan of “The Wire.”