I Was Stranded On the Side of a Highway With a Flat Tire For 3 Hours

Needless to say, a lot of things could have gone wrong, but I’m glad they didn’t

Ryan Fan
The Partnered Pen


From Becky Wright on Adobe Stock

Today was not a very good day.

Most of my weekend day off of work was spent running errands. My roommates and I had to move a bunch of large items out of our apartment, trying to fit a lot of very long and wide items like tables and couches through a narrow staircase.

On some of those items, we were successful. Others, we were not, and half-jokingly and half-seriously talked about just throwing those tables and couches through the window. I spent half the day doing that for items that came with our apartments from the previous residents, but that our housing manager made us move out of the apartment to get our security deposits back.

It would be 2:30 p.m. until I was done. Needless to say, at times it was funny, and at times it was very not pleasant. I was glad to decompress with a couple friends later, and then ran another errand to get my girlfriend’s car fixed. There was something wrong with the valve caps of her rear tires, to which they said I would have to bring it to someone else, which I accepted.

I took a couple more hours spending time with my friends who had come to our city out of…



Ryan Fan
The Partnered Pen

Believer, Baltimore City IEP Chair, and 2:39 marathon runner. Diehard fan of “The Wire.”