If You Aren’t Getting Boosted, What Should You Do?
Write from your passion, and the rest will follow
Last year the Boost program replaced Medium’s older curation program. Before the “Boost,” an article might be “curated” or “chosen for further distribution.” Both Boost and Curation mean stories are selected based on quality for wider distribution across the platform.
But there are differences. With the Boost, only certain nominators, usually publishers of publications that have been allowed into the program, are able to nominate articles. The nominated stories are then passed along to Medium’s staff, who make the final decision.
Getting a story boosted usually results in higher readership and significantly higher earnings. Even if readership is the same for an unboosted story, the boosted one earns substantially more.
To give you an example, one of my boosted stories with 721 views and 413 reads earned $303.91. An unboosted story with 713 views and 585 reads earned $63.79. Both stories had similar member and non-member reads.
Following is the screen shot of another example: