If You Only Read One Book In 2021, Read This

It might just help you live a more fulfilling life.

Rajesh Vairapandian
The Partnered Pen
Published in
5 min readFeb 22, 2021


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Long and happy life is one of the most enviable desires we humans fantasize about. At times, we are happy and living a halcyon life, with all the luxuries and haves conferred, yet the days of our lives is fewer. Conversely, some people live a long life but their life is riddled with hardships and pangs, coercing them to wish to shorten of their lives.

Then could we live happy and long life simultaneously? Well, This book named ‘’ Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life’’ is splendid in casting light on both subjects at a time, slacking your thirst for valuable and rare information.

In this article, I will cast light on this book. So, let us start!

This book underscores the living and eating standards of the people of Ogimi, a town in Japan that is well-known for the longevity of the people residing in it. The pivotal information of the book is summarized in the below-mentioned points:

1.Active mind and youthful body

The classical Latin Phrase “mens sana in corpore sano’’ has great fidelity since it urges to take care of both body and mind. Similarly, the health of the mind is strongly connected with the body. In a nutshell…



Rajesh Vairapandian
The Partnered Pen

Top 10x writer. I write about life transformation articles, Join 10000+ amazing souls on my weekly newsletter: https://rajeshvairapandian.substack.com/