Photo Credits— AleXander Hirka / Used with permission / Saying goodbye to my girl, JJ

Impossible That They Leave Such a Huge Hole

I’m no longer the loyal subject of my household goddess

Published in
2 min readJan 18, 2022


We knew the day was coming but tried to convince ourselves this wasn’t that day.

It was.

For the first time ever I didn’t have to wrestle her into the cat carrier. She wasn’t happy about it but all the fight was gone. Two deep yowls and silence.

We took a cab when no buses were showing up and went back to the animal clinic down at East 62nd and York Avenue, the place I took JJ as a kitten, the teensy pregnant kitten who had run out of the weeds to take me hostage back in August 2005.

Life will be much calmer and simpler — and a bit cheaper — in our newly un-catted home.

I won’t miss cleaning the litter box or hearing that unmistakable howl when my partner’s foot makes contact with cat vomit. I can sit here and dredge up all the things that will be easier and better now. They’re all valid.

