In A Tech-Enabled World, It’s Pretty Easy To Break Into Someone’s House

When one set of keys opens the door to everything

HS Burney
The Partnered Pen


Photo by Jaye Haych on Unsplash

A friend, Adam, recently got robbed.

It started at the gym. When Adam was setting his locker combination, another gym-goer with nefarious intentions was looking over his shoulder.

Adam’s locker contained his wallet and his house keys. Once Adam was busy with dumbbells and bench presses, the thief ransacked his locker. He then found Adam’s car in the parking lot — not very difficult when it announced its presence with a loud beep as soon as the thief pressed a button.

Once inside the car, the thief looked up ‘Home’ on Adam’s navigation panel — which took him right to Adam’s house. It was the middle of the workday so no one was home. Using the garage door opener, the thief easily made his way inside Adam’s house and walked away with everything he could carry in Adam’s car.

When Adam told me this story, I was stunned.

It made me think of how our reliance on technology, which has created immeasurable convenience in our lives, has a dark side.



HS Burney
The Partnered Pen

Currently writing about whatever strikes my fancy whenever