Is Motivation An All-Or-Nothing Feeling?

Is it possible to supercharge one area of life while feeling disenchanted in another?

HS Burney
The Partnered Pen


Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

Earlier this year, I was feeling dreary.

I was living life on autopilot. My job felt rote; I was bored. I had stopped learning. One day blended into the next. I felt stuck and unable to work on my passion, writing, or my side hustle, professional speaking.

I was snacking incessantly throughout the day. After losing 30 lbs on the keto diet, my weight loss had stopped. But more importantly, I felt out-of-control with food. And then there was the isolation of the global pandemic.

I read countless articles about how to circumvent the bleakness of lockdown. I went for walks — but felt unable to do it consistently. Although I live in downtown Vancouver by a beautiful seawall adorned with mountains and crisp, blue water, and dotted by fresh foliage, I found myself unmotivated to venture outside.

I started every morning with the best of intentions.

In the morning, I would write and send out speaking pitches. After finishing my workday, I would go for a walk. It rarely happened.



HS Burney
The Partnered Pen

Currently writing about whatever strikes my fancy whenever