Is She the One or Only Beautiful? Try This Easy Test

This test applies to all relationships: A timeless love lesson learned watching an old Jimmy Durante movie starring a young Frank Sinatra

Joseph Serwach
The Partnered Pen


Image by Sergey Gorbachev from Pixabay.

Are you in love — or is it infatuation? Try this simple test. It involves your calendar, time and memory.

We know from decades of experience that it truly works.

It Happened in Brooklyn, a 1947 movie starring Jimmy Durante and a young Frank Sinatra, makes this lesson hit home. We’d seen clips from this film for years — and still haven’t seen the entire movie.

We caught most of the movie — including the critical moment — on Turner Classic Movies last week, and the lesson is so timeless it must be shared. This scene is the perfect parable showing the difference between true love and being infatuated with an irresistible beauty:

The key scene from It Happened in Brooklyn shows the difference between love and infatuation

Young Sinatra is one of two characters competing for a woman, so Durante asks him the essential why.

Why” is the crucial question of all relationships, the best way to test and assess your priority list.



Joseph Serwach
The Partnered Pen

Story + Identity = Mission. Leadership Culture, Journalism, Branding Education. Inspiration: Catholic, Polish.