I’ve Lost Five Credit Cards In The Past Year

The lesson? I need to slow down

Ryan Fan
The Partnered Pen


Photo by Stephen Phillips - Hostreviews.co.uk on Unsplash

I can’t seem to keep track of credit cards. Every couple of months, I have to get a new one. To be more specific, I’ve lost three credit cards and two debit cards in the past year. Luckily, none of these instances has resulted in someone else using my cards for fraudulent transactions, but it’s still a major pain to have to request a new card from my bank. While each situation obviously could have been worse, my habit of continually losing my cards is a massive inconvenience.

Plus, I don’t want to say “oh it’s no big deal since nothing bad happened,” because something bad could happen. I usually lose my credit cards in inconsequential places — the car, the house, one of my pants, shorts, jackets, or more. The reason I keep losing them is I don’t usually put my cards back in my wallet after using them. Most recently, I remember the last place I put my debit card before using it and then put it into my gym shorts. I put the gym shorts in the washer and am hoping they’re there, but if not, I’ll have to get a new card regardless.

The reason behind me constantly losing credit cards isn’t a lack of willpower or absentmindedness, although both probably contribute to the equation. A larger reason is bad habits. I think I’ll use my card sooner or later so I keep it separate…



Ryan Fan
The Partnered Pen

Believer, Baltimore City IEP Chair, and 2:39 marathon runner. Diehard fan of “The Wire.”