Let Down Your Net

From 4:00 AM Faith

Laura McDonell
The Partnered Pen


Photo by Fredrik Öhlander on Unsplash

Simple Struggle

Have you ever struggled to do something that seemed like it should be pretty easy, only to find out that it is a struggle to be even the least bit successful? And what about having the courage and the faith to get yourself to try one more time?

I have been there as a student, daughter, sister, teacher, parent, wife, runner, friend, and writer.

Catching Fish

If asked disciples would also say that they had been there. In Luke 5:5, Simon suggests that he has been finishing all day, and has not been successful catching fish.

He lets down his net one more time because Jesus tells him to.

It doesn’t make sense based on what has happened, but he doesn’t give up.

He tries again even when success seems impossible.

With God’s help, the disciples exceed their wildest expectations for catching fish. When you invite God to help you crush your goals…



Laura McDonell
The Partnered Pen

I am a wife, mother, educator, writer, reader and marathon runner. I blog at https://findyourformula.blogspot.com/ Follow me on Twitter at @lmcdonell14