Blue water with trees and mountain in background.
Photo by MontyLov on Unsplash

Moments in blue

Susie Taylor
The Partnered Pen
Published in
1 min readOct 20, 2019


I am blue.

The sky. The sea.

Calm one moment — light blue, breezy.

Dark and angry the next.

Smoky dark blue clouds and blustery winds.

I am peace and tranquility.

I am anger and lightening.

I am soft blue puppy-dog eyes.

I am sly, sinister Siamese cat eyes.

I am safe.

I am danger.

Light blue shallow water, and

Deep blue drop-off to nothingness.

I am blue.



Susie Taylor
The Partnered Pen

Mom, crafter, proofreader, copyeditor, and writer with more experience than you can shake a stick at.