My Most Popular Articles in 2020

What’s working in the online content space right now?

Karen Banes
The Partnered Pen


Image by Ivory Mix

2020 was a challenging year on many fronts. But I didn’t let that slow me down too much when it came to online content writing. I continued to plug away at my ten online income streams, and while there were some bleak patches (my income tanked back in April/May, along with most people’s) there were some successes too.

I’ve been looking at what worked and what didn’t this year, and thought I’d share that with my audience, many of whom are writers, bloggers and online content creators, too.

This article will cover my writing on Medium only, and we’ll look at reads, not views or revenue. We’ll also only look at the articles that I actually published this year (some articles that have been up for a few years and have many thousands of reads, but I really wanted to look at what I published this year that garnered instant attention). I’ll also let you know which of these were published in publications (if they were) and if they were chosen for distribution on the platform. Writers here at Medium might find both those facts relevant.

So here are my most popular articles of 2020. I hope you can gain a little insight as to what’s working for us content creators (and our readers) in 2020, and hopefully beyond.



Karen Banes
The Partnered Pen

Freelance writer sharing thoughts on life, society, creativity, and productivity.