No Ambulances to be Found in Shanghai as the Sick are Forced to Fend for Themselves

Unless the medical emergency is related to COVID-19, you cannot call an ambulance in Shanghai

Natalie Frank, Ph.D.
The Partnered Pen


I had been waiting for over 48 hours to hear from ESL student, Nyah, after she’d unexpectedly cut the connection while having medical problems and being unable to breathe (original story). I was becoming quite worried. The only way we have of reaching students is through the message system for the platform so unless they are on the site we aren’t able to get through to them.

I contacted the company to see if they would make an exception this time and provide me with Nyah’s email address as I thought she was more likely to check that before checking the language platform unless she had a lesson. They refused. But then again, she would have known I was worried given the way the lesson had cut off and the circumstances under which it did.

Finally, somewhere into the third day, I saw a message appear in my inbox on the platform. I quickly opened it.

“Sorry for worrying you. I am fine. We can’t get ambulances here so I just had to hope it would pass on its own. Thanks for caring about me. Can we meet tonight?”



Natalie Frank, Ph.D.
The Partnered Pen

I write about behavioral health & other topics. I’m Managing Editor (Serials, Novellas) for LVP Press. See my other articles: