Occupy for the Old and Lazy

How going down to Zuccotti Park re-radicalized this old hippy

Remington Write
The Partnered Pen
Published in
6 min readFeb 13, 2020


Photo Credit — Timothy Krause / Flickr

When people tell me that Bernie Sanders can’t win I smile. He already has.

Bernie Sanders’ movement began winning on September 17, 2011, when Occupy Wall Street was born. What that crazy, determined bunch of visionaries launched did not die when Bloomberg and his armed guards, the NYPD, forced the protesters out of Zuccotti Park. If anything, Bloomberg’s use of men with guns only reinforced all the points being made by the protesters.

Photos by Remington Write and AleXander Hirka

AleXander and I are a couple of old hippies who went down to the park repeatedly during the two months that OWS held it. We agreed that we weren’t up for sleeping in the park but our OWS action was to pull our meager funds out of Chase Bank which benefitted from a $12 billion bailout while foreclosing on homes and wiping out small investors’ savings. The woman at Chase was mystified as to why we were closing our accounts. I don’t think Chase noticed our departure.

