One Notebook to Make You More Productive

Mason Sabre
The Partnered Pen
Published in
6 min readNov 4, 2020


It changed my life

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

I admit it; I am a notebook junkie. I have an entire cupboard dedicated to storing all my unused ones. I also have three wooden chests filled with notebooks I have completed. I use them for everything and probably have a good four or five notebooks on the go at any one time.

Even sitting here now, I have two open on the desk beside me. One is my ideas journal, where I record ten ideas per day for articles I want to write . The other is a Happy Planner my friend sent to me for Christmas. However, if you were to look on the shelf next to those, you’d find my Morning Pages journal, my bullet journal and my commonplace notebook.

Notebooks have always been a bit of a journey for me. Stationary is a weird thing we get addicted to. When I was in my teens, I had a paperbound. Yep, I was that kid on the bike delivering the neighbours newspapers. It gave me a little bit of money so I could buy the things I liked, and one of those things was notebooks.

I’d stand in the stationary section of the local store, and it was almost like I could feel my soul filling up. It’s so hard to explain, but stationary, new notebooks and pens … they’re like little dopamine hits.

Back then, notebooks were used for writing stories, writing down my thoughts, sketching and planning. My…



Mason Sabre
The Partnered Pen

Mason is an author and a teacher. He loves to write and read and will always be a life-long learner.