Pride vs. Humility

God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble ~ James 4:6

Cheridan Smith
The Partnered Pen


Cheridan Smith Photography

We live in an age of proud men and proud women. We live in a world (or at least I do) where people seem to think their accomplishments are better or more important than other people’s.

We live in a time of inflated selves. Where people exaggerate who they are and what they’ve done to make themselves look better than everyone else? Why?

Because, on the flip end, we also live in a time that’s running rampant with depression, comparison, anxiety and mental health issues.

Is our self esteem that low that we have built fake walls inside ourselves to match our photoshopped faces?

Pride is arrogance. Proud people don’t respect others accomplishments with a fraction of what they credit themselves for.

Of course, a lot of this stems from social media and everyone being a model or an influencer in one way or another. Very few people live completely private lives which makes it all too easy to start doing something because you see someone else doing it. Before long it becomes a competition, whether you realize it or not, you do what they do or wear what they wear because you wanted to look as “cool” as them.



Cheridan Smith
The Partnered Pen

Wanderer, lover, yogi, memory taker, music fanatic, and writer. Follow my publication: Roarings of a Lioness