Rethinking Publications And Starting New Adventures

Here’s a better way to handle this problem

Jim Woods
The Partnered Pen
Published in
6 min readOct 30, 2020


Photo by Isaiah Rustad on Unsplash

Gotten rejected a lot lately by publications here on Medium? Like A LOT?

It’s likely not just you. It’s because Medium has clamped down on curation for publications.

Here’s the thing no one tells you: A publication can follow some really specific rules and get their posts to be automatically curated.

A knowledgeable friend confirmed this with me. This writer said, “Some publications have the ability to curate under several tags without Medium curators — it happens automatically. But the process to get that and keep it is very strict. A publication can get “suspended” and then the content is not automatically curated.”

Recently, I had a piece rejected for the “structure and depth” of a post. But after 6 years on Medium, I knew the structure of the post was fine. That made me scratch my head. Then I read that this publication prefers at least 5 sentences per paragraph. That’s really specific, don’t you think?

A month or so ago, another post was rejected because I didn’t have statistical figures backing up a productivity method. Then it all came together: these are very likely some of the rules that Medium requires for certain publications to have automatic…



Jim Woods
The Partnered Pen

I help small businesses, writers, and non-profit organizations repurpose their content and create books. Contact me: