She Doesn’t Owe You a Smile

Jessica Archuleta
The Partnered Pen
Published in
1 min readOct 2, 2019


A poem about women’s right to frown.

She doesn’t owe you a smile,
she can frown if she wants to.
A smile speaks a thousand words, it’s true —
maybe she doesn’t want to say even one.

A smile is holy, a smile is kind,
but a fake forced smile doesn’t help
a single soul, especially the one wearing it.
It’s not a sin, not a crime, to have a straight face.

Why are women told we must be sweet, gentle,
serving, always emotional in happy, positive,
motherly or sisterly ways?
Is this for their own good?

She doesn’t owe anyone but herself a smile in the mirror,
she can smile when she wants to,
not because she’s filling a role passed down to her
from too many women before —
hiding their pain behind their painted smiling masks.

We can all smile…when we want to.

Another post of mine about writing therapy:



Jessica Archuleta
The Partnered Pen

"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." --Maya Angelou