Snow Day, Central Park

Our 840 acres of backyard

Remington Write
The Partnered Pen
Published in
5 min readDec 20, 2020


Photo Credit — AleXander Hirka / 106th Street and Central Park West / Photo used with permission

We didn’t believe it until we got up Thursday morning and saw it with our own eyes. Snow! Lots and lots of snow! It’s been years since we’ve had a proper snowfall in the city (thanks a pantload, global climate catastrophe). This snowfall even had a name: Gail. Cute.

Last year we managed to get roughly five inches of snow all winter. Boring! Thursday morning we woke up to over ten inches in Central Park. And aren’t we the luckiest living two blocks from the park? We bundled up and were out of the door before 10 am — roughly 6 am for you non-nocturnal types — while it was still snowing. Insider tip: masks are awesome in the snow. They keep your face warm and protect you from sideways-blowing snow.

The night before when we began to think this snowfall might be for real (Photo credit — AleXander Hirka) / Used with permission

However dodgy this neighborhood can get — and, yeah, it’s pretty dodgy these days — all is forgiven the moment I step into the park. I don’t even necessarily need to be in the park for it to do its magic. Living close enough to see it daily and inhale the gifts of all 20,000 trees is enough to maintain some equilibrium.

