Some of My Unreliable Friends No Showed My Wedding, And I Resent Them a Little For It

It was the first time I really had to rely on them in that capacity or expect anything from them

Ryan Fan
The Partnered Pen


Photo by Luke Chesser on Unsplash

I really hate to put this label on friends, but I have a few friends who cancel on plans frequently. They’re really late to things when they do come. You can’t really saddle them with anything that requires logistic or operational savvy. When you do make plans with them, you rely on them not showing up more than you do. When you text them, you either never get a response or get a response maybe a week later.

A lot of people will call them unreliable.

It has never bothered me that much in the past because I never really had to rely on them for important things. If it was just canceled plans at lunch or them being hours late to something, I could do something else. I’m not the type of person that plans my entire day around the actions of someone else.

Plus, my unreliable friends had positive attributes to make up for their unreliability. Usually, they have pretty electric or charismatic personalities that fill up the room and keep you entertained the entire time you’re with them. I might have some close emotional bond or relationship with them that won’t be impeded by…



Ryan Fan
The Partnered Pen

Believer, Baltimore City IEP Chair, and 2:39 marathon runner. Diehard fan of “The Wire.” Support me by becoming a Medium member: