Stevie Nicks: Botox Makes You Look Like You’re in a Satanic Cult — The Problem With ‘Playing God’

How many times have you seen a celebrity’s plastic surgery and thought, ‘oh no’?

Joseph Serwach
The Partnered Pen


Image by imageclinicdelhiindia from Pixabay

How often have you seen a celebrity, realized they “had work done,” and thought, “Oh no”?

How often do you see someone after they altered their appearance with surgery or drugs (or even a bad haircut) and you think:

  • You looked so much better when you were natural.
  • But you just paid an expert a lot of money — to make you look worse?
  • You’re rich and famous. You could afford the very best, and still, you came out looking like that?

After they “messed with nature,” we look and think that humiliating flaw you dreaded may have been your greatest gift. So many examples come to mind: Michael Jackson, Bob Dole, Priscilla Presley, Jennifer Grey.

But singer Stevie Nicks crystalizes the problem in one powerful quote: “Botox makes you look like you’re in a satanic cult. I only had it once, and it destroyed my face for four months. I would look in the mirror and try and lift my eyebrow and go: ‘Oh, there you are, Satan’s angry daughter.’ Never again.”



Joseph Serwach
The Partnered Pen

Story + Identity = Mission. Leadership Culture, Journalism, Branding Education. Inspiration: Catholic, Polish.