The Best Value Around for Personal Independence

Karen karen
The Partnered Pen
Published in
7 min readNov 13, 2020


Be your friend.

I’m a very solitary person and like it that way. And the concept of being my own friend felt like a trivial statement void of substance. A phrase among so many others that people whip out when they run out of words.

But in reality, I learned it’s the exact opposite.

To like yourself enough means to take your needs and wants into consideration. And that’s something I wasn’t doing.

Of course, people who care support me and stand by my side — if I let them. But I learned that no one else can give me what I need, except me.

Make it a conscious goal to improve your self-esteem and get to know the real you. Because no person, place, or thing can fill those spaces in your mind and heart for you, and only YOU can get that work done and be a best friend to yourself.

Let’s see how.

Stop the Action-Reaction Game

Photo by Ricardo Arce on Unsplash

If I say something you don’t like, do you retaliate or silently feel judged?

When I express my thoughts about something you did, do you take it personally?



Karen karen
The Partnered Pen

Writer. Avid Traveler. Translator. Be yourself. Own your future. What’s your feeling today?